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Portland provides cargo and passenger terminals centrally located on the waterfront of Maine's biggest city. Easy access to air, rail and road based freight forwarding services makes the city a convenient option for commercial purposes. The diverse collection of hospitality and fine dining destinations and proximity to vast natural resources has also made Portland one of the most desirable coastal destinations in the United States for tourists from all over the world.  



Eastport is a small coastal town in downeast Maine that sits at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy and is home to the East Coast's deepest shipping port. Historically known for producing algircultural goods and seafood, the Eastport locale provides easy access to Eastern Canadian markets. 


Searsport offers convenient deepwater access to the Penobscot Bay region of mid-coast Maine. Settled in the late 18th century, this small incorporated town boasts a rich maritime history that has seen the construction of hundreds of ships by its many shipyards while playing host to 10% of all American deep-water shipmasters during the 19th-century. In recent years, the Port of Searsport has become a major shipping destination for wind energy developers with projects across the region.

Orientation of Maine's three major ports

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