Estes Head Cargo Terminal
Estes Head Cargo Terminal can accommodate a ship of 900 feet in Berth A and one up to 550 feet in Berth B. Berth B is also an excellent berth for barges. EHCT's 55 acre site has several open storage areas, three 20,000 square foot, drive-thru warehouses, and one 43,000 square foot warehouse. The operations are easily supervised from the Federal Marine Terminals' office located just above the Estes Head pier. Approach depths to this pier are also well in excess of 100 feet and the mean low water depth is 64 feet. The Breakwater and Estes Head are top facilities to ship your product or berth your vessel.
The Eastport Breakwater Terminal has berthing for a vessel up to 700 ft. An equipment maintenance shop, the Eastport Port Authority office, US Customs, and Coast Station Eastport are located just off the pier. The downtown Fish Pier berths the Port's larger ships on the North side, and has slips for transient boats on the South side. Approach depths to the Breakwater are over 100 feet and the mean low water depth is 42 feet. The Breakwater is also used by the aquaculture industry, commercial, as well as recreational boaters and fishermen. Located at the downtown area of Eastport, the Breakwater offers cruise ships a direct docking within close proximity to all of Eastport's offerings.

Port Director
Chris Gardner
3 Madison Street
PO Box 278
Eastport, ME 04631
Phone: 207-853-4614
Fax: 207-853-9584