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Charter and By-laws




The Maine and New Hampshire Port Safety Forum serves the public interest in the safe and efficient operation of vessels and marine shoreside facilities; and the protection of the environment from casualties in and near the coastal waters of Maine and New Hampshire.



The Forum shall encourage active participation of stakeholders, who have an interest in safety of life and property at sea, an efficient and productive marine industry, and a clean marine environment. The Forum shall in an open and cooperative process identify, measure and monitor risk of loss from, and response to, events and contingencies in the marine and coastal environment of Maine and New Hampshire. The Forum shall recommend actions to mitigate or eliminate risk and improve response capability in order to enhance safety, support industry, and preserve the environment.



Membership on the Forum will be limited to not more than 15 voting members. Voting members will act as representatives from the following areas of interest: 


  1. Shipping Agent

  2. Environmental Organization

  3. Pilot (Representing Midcoast and Downeast Maine)              

  4. Pilot (Representing Casco Bay and Portsmouth)

  5. Terminal Operator (Representing Midcoast and Downeast Maine)

  6. Terminal Operator (Representing Casco Bay)

  7. Terminal Operator (Portsmouth)

  8. Towing and Tug Operators

  9. Spill Response Organization

  10. Recreational Boating / Marina Operators / Marine Trades Industry

  11. Commercial Fishing

  12. Public Seat #1

  13. Public Seat #2

  14. Reserved for Future Needs

  15. Reserved for Future Needs 


Voting Members will be elected to staggered terms of three years. There will also be a five-member non-voting Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will include the U. S. Coast Guard Captain-of-the-Port Portland, Maine and the Executive Director of the Maine Port Authority, who shall serve as co-chairs of the Forum. Additional members of the Executive Committee will be representatives from the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, and the Maine Harbormasters Association. The Representatives of the Maine DEP and the New Hampshire DES will be selected by the Commissioner of each Department, and the Maine Harbormaster Association shall designate their representative.



Elections will be staggered through the three-year period as follows:


Year 1 

  • Shipping Agent

  • Spill Response Organization

  • Terminal Operator (Midcoast/Downeast)

  • Public Seat #2

  • (Reserve for Future Needs)          


Year 2

  • Environmental Organization

  • Pilot (Casco Bay / Portsmouth)

  • Recreational / Marina / Marine Trades

  • Towing and Tug Operations

  • Terminal Operator (Portsmouth) 


Year 3

  • Pilot (Midcoast/Downeast)

  • Terminal Operator (Casco Bay)

  • Commercial Fishing

  • Public Seat #1

  • (Reserve for Future Needs)


Nominations will be taken for seats coming up for election at the Forum's last regular meeting of the calendar year. Nominations will be accepted from the members and the public. The voting will be by secret ballot. Voting is restricted to current members. The results of the election will be announced immediately following the tally of votes and the new members will be installed at the first regular meeting of the next calendar year. Any voting member who has three consecutive unexcused absences may be asked to resign from their position by the Executive Committee. In the event that a member is unable for any reason to complete their term, a special nomination and election will be scheduled by the Co-Chairs of the Forum.



The Forum is structured as an umbrella organization with an interest in all aspects of port and waterway safety and environmental protection. It will act as the approving body for resolutions and recommendations forwarded to it by its working groups and subcommittees.


The specific tasks of the Forum may be assigned to working groups formed by the Forum for that purpose. The Forum will have two standing committees:


Navigation Subcommittee. This subcommittee, chaired by a Pilot Representative, is tasked with overseeing waterways management and safety in the area including bouyage, dredging, bridge construction, etc.


Membership Subcommittee. The Co-Chairs will appoint a chair for this subcommittee by the third regular meeting of the calendar year. This subcommittee is tasked with soliciting nominations and coordinating the election process for the annual election and any special elections.


In addition to these subcommittees, the Forum works closely with the affiliated groups to achieve mutual or similar goals.



Voting will be by simple majority of the members present. In the event of a tie, the Executive Committee will cast a single vote to decide the issue.



The Forum will meet as needed, with a goal of four times annually. These meetings will be held at varying locations, preferably one meeting in Portsmouth, one meeting in Portland, one meeting in Augusta, and one meeting in Bangor annually. Meetings of the subcommittees and any ad hoc working groups will be held separately and the progress of those meetings will be reported at the next Forum meeting.



Forum members will be notified of the schedule and agenda for upcoming meetings by mail, e-mail, and/or fax. Public attendance and involvement at meetings in encouraged.



The Forum will develop and distribute an Annual Report at the first regular meeting of each calendar year. The Report will list the members by name and representation, and provide a summary of actions taken by the Forum, its subcommittees, and its working groups in the previous calendar year.



This Charter may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the voting members

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